1028 results:

ECHILD: Linking longitudinal data from health, education and social care (ONS Research Excellence Series 2025)

ECHILD: Linking longitudinal data from health, education and social care (ONS Research Excellence Series 2025) The Office for National Statistics (ONS) Research Excellence Series 2025 welcomes the…

ADR UK and NatCen publish new report: Insights into care experiences across the UK

ADR UK and NatCen publish new report: Insights into care experiences across the UK A new report by the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), produced in collaboration with ADR UK, explores…

Creating an advisory board to support research on immigration, integration and labour market outcomes

I created a project advisory board of stakeholders from the voluntary and community sector, as well as representatives from think tanks, research organisations, and trade unions, at the start of my…

Did Covid-19 fines disproportionately affect people with health vulnerabilities?

Did Covid-19 fines disproportionately affect people with health vulnerabilities? Research from ADR Scotland has examined whether individuals with health vulnerabilities were more likely to receive…

Data Insight: Were people with health vulnerabilities more likely to be fined by the police during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Data Insight: Were people with health vulnerabilities more likely to be fined by the police during the Covid-19 pandemic? This Data Insight explores whether people who had accessed health services…

Love Data Week 2025: Returning value in using public sector data

Love Data Week 2025: Returning value in using public sector data Love Data Week is here, and this year’s theme, “Whose Data Is It Anyway?”, highlights the importance of both using data responsibly…

The pathways of excluded school pupils into (and out of) the criminal justice system

The pathways of excluded school pupils into (and out of) the criminal justice system In this blog, ADR UK Research Fellow Dr Vickie Barrett explores the complex pathways of excluded school pupils and…

Care experienced children and young people: Research insights from administrative data

Care experienced children and young people: Research insights from administrative data This report summarises some key insights on children’s experiences with social care, which have been generated…

Highlights from the ADR UK PhD Annual Gathering 2025

Highlights from the ADR UK PhD Annual Gathering 2025 The annual gathering for ADR UK PhD students recently brought together our whole student cohort for an event filled with networking, peer-led…

A celebration of work – and a meeting of minds

A celebration of work – and a meeting of minds In this blog, Dr Emma Gordon, Director of ADR UK, reflects on the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)’s first regional engagement event. In this…